The Frankie Banali Foundation's mission is to raise awareness and to give the gift of early detection. We aim to educate the public on the importance of being one's own advocate about getting screened for diseases much earlier than many current doctors and insurance companies recommend. We feel that telling Frankie Banali's story of cancer misdiagnosis, which caused him to pass away from Pancreatic cancer at 68, through a public campaign will save lives. The Frankie Banali Foundation has partnered with Prenuvo, which offers direct-to-consumer full-body scans. We created the coupon code "Frankie" for $300 off a scan at Prenuvo that anyone can use. The foundation will also raise funds to cover the total cost of full body scans for people with financial hardship who have a family history of terminal diseases. Members of the public will be invited to apply for financial help to pay for these potentially lifesaving tests.